Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why Congress should vote Yes on the Bailout.

Dear Congress:

Here is why Congress should vote yes on the proposed bailout plan for our financial markets, and why Congress should strongly support this legislation and it's revisions going forward.

This legislation has the potential to make a generational change, favorable to all, in the way government manages our finances.

Since we still have to deal with social security, healthcare and energy reforms in the future, the need for proper fiscal and financial management is critical.

Since there are trillions of dollars sitting in money market types of accounts in our country, the key is to get that money moving.

Since fear and the need of self-preservation will keep individuals from borrowing this money until the fiancial markets stabilize, the government needs to be the borrower of last resort.

Since the taxpayer is the government, the taxpayer is the borrower of last resort.

I believe that this may be a golden opportunity to better equalize the wealth of taxpayers. Borrowers who invest wisely become wealthy.

This legislation could be a first step in allowing taxpayers the opportunity to share in the wealth creation of America.

We should be following the example of Warren Buffett and we should be investing in GE and Goldman Sachs, and all of the other great things in America. We should help each other help ourselves. Let experts take on the troubled assets in America and let us as taxpayers benefit from their success; or suffer with them if they fail. Let's partner together as a people, and go forward with faith.

When we all work together for a common cause, rather than our own selfish interests, good things will happen.

Capitalism has its limits, as demonstrated by this financial meltdown; a meltdown that may not stop until the government intervenes as the borrower of last resort.

Fear has to be overcome. Fear cripples and destablizes everything it touches. Faith on the other hand; faith in each other; faith in the government; faith in America; will create wealth, prosperity and success beyond our wildest dreams.

Taxpayers unite. Let's invest in what is great about America.

Thank you for your consideration.


Dennis Wilson

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